Monday 14 November 2011

The Interactive Design Project

Research on a Range of Images + Annotation

- Historical images
Literal - This is an ancient wall painting showing humans hunting deer.
Abstract - The hidden meaning in this photo is that humans have power over animals and they wanted to show future humans how to get food.
Feeling - The image makes me feel interested as to how humans made their weapons back then, and also annoyed that i didnt get to witness the epic battle between man and deer.
Literal - This is an ancient Egyptian wall painting representing Anubis taking a woman to Ra.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning in this picture is that men and gods had power over woman, and they were used as rewards.
Feeling - This makes me confused as to what they are doing with the woman and what she is holding in her hand.
Literal -This is an image of Uncle Sam, promoting joining the army.
Abstract - The hidden meaning in this image is the pressure it put on people, making them think they they were needed more in the war than anyone else was.
Feeling - This makes me feel nervous as it could relate to the Illuminati gaining control over the people, and just proves how easy it is to persuade people with just a poster.
Literal - This is the image of Jesus and his disciples at the great supper.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning in this photo is that sharing is needed, and a little bit of food can actually go a long way.
Feeling - This makes me feel intrigued as it could be proof that Jesus existed.

Literal - This is an image of some soldiers putting up a flag to mark the land as theirs.
Abstract - I think the hidden message in this image is that America are trying to show that they have power over everyone else and can put their flag anywhere they want to.
Feeling - This makes me feel interested as to what they are standing on.

Literal - This is an image of some soldiers holding a nazi flag and smiling.
Abstract - I think this picture is meant to convey their happiness that they beat the Nazis and to show relief that its over.
Feeling - This makes me feel happy for them in the sense that they survived.

- Urban Signs and Symbols
Literal - This is a piece of graffiti art by the Artist Banksy.
Abstract - The hidden meaning of this image is that there is always something better on the other side.
Feeling - This makes me feel happy because it reminds me that even if things are boring and bland, there is always something better waiting for me soon.
Literal - This is an image i took at the docks of some graffiti.
Abstract - I think the meaning behind this piece of art is that there is a relationship between the two beans.
Feeling - This makes me feel confused as to what the two green objects are and what the left one is yelling.
Literal - This is another image i took in town of a security camera with graffiti underneath it.
Abstract - I think the meaning behind this photo is that we are always being watched no matter where we are.
Feeling - This makes me feel safe and also nervous at the same time.
Literal - This is the Black Eyes Peas emblem from "Where is the Love".
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning behind this photo is that it is suggesting if love exists and where exactly do you find it. Its in red to represent love.
Feeling - This makes me feel confused as to where the love is.
Literal - This is an old graffiti done by Artist Robbo on the side of a Train.
Abstract - I think the meaning behind this is to spread the Christmas cheer with everyone who uses the train and the underground.
Feeling - This makes me feel merry and happy that someone would do this to share the happiness.
Literal - This is a photo of graffiti made by Sweet Toof.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning behind this is that we all look the same underneath the skin, but our expressions change.
Feeling - This makes me feel happy cause of the sun and the bright colors used on the piece of art.

- Artworks
Literal - This is a drawing of a spider hanging from a woman's eye.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning behind this drawing is that it is showing the fear of spiders and overcoming that fear.
Feeling - This makes me feel uneasy because having a spider hanging from your eyelid would not be very nice and i don't really like spiders in general.
Literal - This is a drawing of a punk style haircut on a woman.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning behind this photo is showing how styling your hair in an unusual way can look good, even if most is shaved off.
Feeling - This makes me feel happy as i like the hairstyle and the piercings that the woman has in the drawing.
Literal - This is a painting of a woman's face and hair.
Abstract - I think the abstract meaning of this painting is that you don't have to have every feature to be beautiful and your hair does not matter.
Feeling - This makes me feel calm as the colors are calming and subtle.
Literal - This is an image of prehistoric sea monsters.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning in this image is that we are still amongst monsters of the sea and should be more careful.
Feeling - This makes me feel nervous as i do not like swimming in the sea, for the fact that sharks could be beneath. 
Literal - This is an image of a woman with an apple dripping down onto her head.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning behind this photo is that she is trapped inside the depths of the woods. Encased in fear.
Feeling - This makes me feel strange as the colors are very dark and concentrated, making it harder to see the details.
Literal - This is a picture of a Doll type girl with roses in the background.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning behind this image is that it portrays sorrow and loneliness. She is looking into your eyes as if to drag you down with her.
Feeling - This makes me feel confused and sad, her eyes are almost looking into your soul and making you sad.

- Good examples of design
Literal - This is a picture of a famous building in Sydney.
Abstract - I think that this building is meant to represent a ship with huge glorious sales.
Feeling - This makes me feel cheerful because of the weather in the photo and also the curved design of the building.
Literal - This is a photo of a famous building in London shaped like a cucumber.
Abstract - I think the building is meant to give off a very futuristic aura. Also i think the designer wanted to create something that had never been done before.
Feeling - This makes me feel confused as to why they would make a building in this shape.
Literal - This is a photo of the Taj Mahal in india.
Abstract - I think there is a hidden meaning in the reflection of the Taj Mahal on the water. Also i think that the shape may be meant to give a hidden message to onlookers.
Feeling - This makes me feel royal because of the magnificant building work and red sky.
Literal - This is a photo of a Building styled in a strange and original way.
Abstract - I think this building is meant to resemble a ship sail, particularly this is why it is places on a small island in the water i think.
Feeling - This makes me want to be there, as it looks magical and stands out from a mile away.
Literal - This is an image of the Suspension bridge in Bristol.
Abstract - I think this is meant to give a glowing feel to bristol and the dull brown cliffs either side of the glowing bridge.
Feeling - This makes me feel happy because of the beauty of the lights and the red sky.
Literal - This is an image of a Pyramid in the desert of Egypt.
Abstract - I think there is a hidden meaning within this pyramid to do with the Illuminati and the Mayans. It was left on the earth to give us a warning.
Feeling - This makes me feel bored because of the colours but also intrigued as to what is inside of the pyramid.

- Media, Advertising and Propaganda
Literal - This is a poster questioning communism in America.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning in this image is that its questioning whether america is going to fall apart or not. Or a better way of putting it, "Go up in Flames".
Feeling - This makes me feel confused as i dont fully understand the meaning of the poster and communism as a whole.
Literal - This is a propaganda poster from the war.
Abstract - I think this poster was meant to introduce fear to the people of the country so they would keep their nose out of the armies business. Also making it easier for the Army to spot Terrorists.
Feeling - This would of made me feel scared at the time as it means you could be suspected as being a terrorist just for simply asking some questions.
Literal - This is another propaganda poster from the war.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning behind this poster, is that the soldiers are trying to say they have the power over what they do and who they bomb, so you are either with them or against them.
Feeling - Again at the time this would of made me scared and nervous about what i could and couldnt say, but now it doesnt mean anything to me.
Literal - This is a War poster promoting the vengeance of Peal Harbor.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning in this photo, is that its meant to persuade more americans to join the army to get back at the japanese for what happened in Pearl Harbour. The picture of uncle sam with his fist in the air is meant to mean "We can do this".
Feeling - This makes me feel interested as to whether this actually worked on people.
Literal - This is a propaganda image about late abortions.
Abstract - I think the hidden message in this poster, is that its trying to make out people who want to abort their babys too late into the process are selfish and horrible people.
Feeling - This makes me feel confused as i both agree and disagree with the idea of this poster.
Literal - This is a Pop-Art style poster of Obama representing his morals.
Abstract - I think the hidden meaning in this picture is that he is going to bring hope to the american people. He has a very wise expression on his face and also this red white and blue is meant to back up the idea that he is there for america and is their leader.
Feeling - This makes me slightly nervous because of how some very small features of a photo can mean such bigs things in the subliminal form.

- Scientific Images or Optical illusions
Literal - This is a photo i took near the Docks of a Illusion style street art.
Abstract - I think the idea of this illusion is that the monkey is meant to look like its further back into the wall, sort of like a 3D effect.
Feeling - This makes me feel slightly confused because of all the spirals and black and white opposites.
Literal - This is an Optical illusion involving some builders and a balcony.
Abstract - The illusion here i that you cannot tell which balcony is facing up and which one is facing down, you also dont know whether both are facing the same way, this is done by the angle and perspective of the photos.
Feeling - This makes me confused because i cannot figure out how they have managed to merge the two images together so well to make that effect.
Literal - This is an Optical illusion of a knight on a horse.
Abstract - The idea behind this illusion, is that if you look at it quickly without paying much attention you see a mans face with a crazy hairstyle. But if you look closely you can see the actual image and that there are many face involved within the image aswell.
Feeling - This also makes me confused and slightly freaked out. I also cannot "not see" the eyes of the face, no matter how hard i try.
Literal - This is an Optical illusion of a naked woman.
Abstract - The hidden illusion in this image is that if you look quickly you see the naked woman sitting by a waterfall, but if you look closely you can see a mans face with long hair, and also faces in the cliffs.
Feeling - This makes me wonder whether you are actually meant to see the mans face or not, and whether your brain is just putting it there with imagination.
Literal - This is a brightly coloured Optical illusion.
Abstract- If you look at this out of the corner of your eye, it seems to be moving in all directions. But if you look at it straight on its static still. I think this is done with the size of the shapes and the black lines, taking advantage of a certain part of the brain.
Feeling - This makes me feel dizzy and slightly sick if i look at it for too long.
Literal - This is a simple Optical illusion, but a very effective one.
Abstract - I dont know how this is done, but somehow the image tricks your brain into thinking there is 3 poles where actually there are only 2 attached to the base.
Feeling - This image also makes me feel dizzy and slightly sick if i look at it for too long.

- Interactive Media
Literal - This is an image of the Google home page logo.
Abstract - I think the logo uses bright colourful colours to attract users to the site and to branch out to all age groups.
Feeling - This makes me feel welcome and safe. It feels like i can trust this site and it seems like a very professional standard.
Literal - This is an image of the sky news internet home page.
Abstract - I think they have laid this page out in a very orderly fashion to make it easier for people to navigate around the different news types.
Feeling - This makes me feel bored and slightly intimidated. I think having more curves would make it look more welcoming.
Literal - This is the Yahoo logo coloured in a dark shade of purple.
Abstract - I think that the yahoo logo is made in a "fun" font to attract people of all ages, and make it so it sticks in your head.
Feeling - This makes me feel comfortable with the site as a whole because of the fun font and the style of the logo.

Literal - This is the Facebook login blue.
Abstract - I think that Facebook made there logo simple, so that its memorable and easy to think of in your head. Also i think they made the text in white and the background darker to make it stand out.
Feeling - This makes me feel calm because of the cool colours and the simple design of the Logo. It seems like they know what they are doing.
Literal - This is an image of a Nintendo Wii in white.
Abstract - I think they made the wii clean and white to attract the every day person into gaming. I think they have tried to make it look like a more social console as appose to a black detailed console which would relate to the "Basement Gamer".
Feeling - This makes me feel welcome and calm. If i wasn't a gamer before i saw this console i think it would attract me to gaming as it looks simple and fun.
Literal - This is the Youtube logo that has been the same since youtube started.
Abstract - I think they have separated the two words "you" and "tube" so that it appeals to you, making you think that youtube is made specifically for you, and great for you to use. It also reminds you with the phrase "Broadcast yourself".
Feeling - This makes me feel calm and collected because the logo is in an orderly and simple design.

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