Monday 21 November 2011

Design and Art Directions Evaluation

The task for the day was to create a way for internet explorer to attract more users. We had to make one that was virtual and was that can be used in the real world.
I have learnt that i find it hard to develop ideas thoroughly, by making lots of different drafts.. i could only stretch my abilities to about 5 or 6.
I think that the point of the task was to stretch our design abilities and to come up with more ideas that can develop into a finalised concept. I think it will useful in the future for jobs when the same situation arrises.
I think my ability to come up with ideas for the one draft i picked were good, as the one i chose had many different things that could of branched from it. I decided to choose an idea that can be stretched to many other ideas. What i think went slightly bad was that i couldn't think of a way to persuade people to want to actually use it.
I think i could improve by researching more into advertising and marketing stunts that will attract people to the certain idea. This would help the idea as a whole as it would attract a wider audience.
Overall i think i achieved the task quite well, but there is still room for improvement.

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